Customer Feedback Under Control in City of Järvenpää, Finland with Nomis Products
The cooperation between Nomis Oy and the City of Järvenpää started in 2011, when the Technical Center and Physical Exercise Services departments introduced Nomis HelpDesk customer feedback system. The residents of the city can give feedback and action requests especially related to the town environment and construction, such as information about the need to plough snow from a street to allow easy access, or to sand the street due to icy slippery road conditions. Regarding Physical Exercise Services, feedback is given e.g. about maintenance of tracks for skiing, or swimming pool maintenance.
“In a town of nearly 40,000 residents, we had recognized a need for a tool already a while earlier, that would help us to manage customer feedback in a centralized way”, says Satu Hänninen, the Customer Services Manager of the Technical Center of the municipality. “The choice of Nomis HelpDesk system was easier, because the product was already partially familiar for us, as it was already in use at Tipake organization, the joint IT Services Center of Järvenpää and Kerava municipalities.” The customer feedback management system use was extended for the whole operations of the municipality from the beginning of 2013, when the town moved to a model where there is only one channel for all customer feedback.
Satu tells that the system has made both giving and processing of customer feedback easier. When a customer might have sent feedback and questions to several different email addresses before, they can now send feedback directly via the feedback channel of the municipality’s website. The customers don’t have to guess anymore, to whom the feedback should be sent to, but that is done by the person who receives the feedback.
As an example about the situation prior the system implementation, Satu is using “a ratting lid of a well”. “Previously the customer may have contacted about a rattling lid of a well to the customer service, three different officials and even to the mayor, and we didn’t know if somebody has given answer to the customer already. Now when we are using a common system, the questions are directed forward to the official who is responsible about the matter, and the feedback goes immediately for processing to the correct person.” The customer feedback system also forms a solutions database: because the responses and answers are also seen by the other system users, the existing responses and problem resolutions can be applied.
For the customer, the giving of feedback requires only registration with an email address; the responses are sent directly to the customer’s email. “The easy way of sending feedback has received thanks”, Satu says. The customer feedback system also uses the bulletin board feature that shows currently relevant information to the residents.
Satu says she is satisfied with the cooperation with Nomis. “The responses to matters are quick, and they are processed forward as agreed. Working with Nomis Oy is easy, flexible and fast. The feedback about the system has been positive, and users have thanked it for how easy it is to use.”