» Tailor made application development
» Outsourcing for product development
» Development project follow-up
” We selected Nomis HelpDesk system, as it was the best match with A-Katsastus Oy’s requirements, was available in Finnish language, and was more flexible as a system than its competitors.”Read more…
“Nomis has shown by their actions to be a partner that can be trusted, who can bring added value, and is not afraid to throw themselves even at the most challenging projects…” “Read More…
Tiziano Palumbo, Global IT ERP Head, Dufry Management Ltd
“We have been satisfied with the Nomis HelpDesk system, Nomis operations and people at Nomis.”Read more…
Tommi Veistola | Etelä-Pohjanmaan Osuuskauppa
Open on weekdays 8am-4pm (EET/EEST)
+358 10 7340 240
When sending a message by email, follow these steps:
1. Mention your contact information (company, office address, name, email and phone number)
2. Accurate description of the issue (application, device, system) and if possible, a screenshot of the issue.